JoJos Block & ViceCity Cypher Meets the Artist : Orion

Check out the Interview 8ch2O had with Local Artist Orion, as he tells more about his upcoming hip-Hop influences and how the scene is nowadays!

Orion & 8CH!


8CH :So I personally copped your New Album, “Balls to the Wall”, at your Release Party at GOOSE LOUNGE in September. Let me tell you first of all…the Set was sick, and I haven’t stopped banging the disc since then (since my Mac took a shit on us, and wont allow me to import it into my IPOD….Fuckery).
For all those who have no idea…Whats with the name BRASS BALLS?

Orion :Appreciate that homie that release night was really dope and its mad
cool when other artist can dig the work.  I’m always developing
different aka names for myself but when I chose Brass Balls it just
stuck.  In anything you do if you got a goal, a dream, a career, your
in school whatever it is it always takes Brass Balls to succeed.
Nothing worth your pursuit in life is easy you gotta go all out if its
what you really want.  For the special people reading this Brass balls
= Guts

*8CH : As I listened through the project, I noticed I was familiar with some of the songs. You seem to have blessed us with some of these tracks when we doing the STREET WARS MIXTAPE SERIES ( Remember those my good people?? NO??…Sleepinnnnngggg)
How long you been working on this project?

Orion: Haha Yeah The street wars days goodtimes.  Alot of the tracks I
worked on between 2010-late 2011 its really just a collection of
joints to feed the masses with.

*8CH: What ever happened to the HUNTING SEASON LP? Had me waiting on that joint forever.

Orion:Hunting Season still gonna drop no later than December 2012 thats
my word.  Balls to the wall was meant to be the prequel to Hunting
Season. Its funny 90% of Hunting Season was done before I even decided
to release Balls To the wall.

8CH: You got alot of tracks on this project where it seems you blowing off some steam / taking shots at some heads…. Care to give the listener some insight into what inspired you to go on your BRASS BALLS CRUSADE? Any one specifically you like to put on Blast during this interview to get it more views? LOL

Orion: I went through a bunch of joints I had done and wanted to make the
album more cohesive I didn’t wanna just throw joints together.  So I
picked the angry, lyrical, give you my perspective with no apologies
shit.  I blow off alot of steam with music, but I also have fun with
music too.  Thats why I put joints like GOT GOT, and Digital Lust.
All in all Most the joints fit the feeling of taking shit Balls to the
wall.  All my albums have different feels to them so Where I take it
next won’t be exactly like the last.  As far as specific people to
name all you hating muthafuckas know who you is.  Guilty catch it my
miras reflect it.

8CH: On the real though…you are one Local MC / HIP HOP Head that I have mad respect for. Not just cuz your rhymes are fresh (Cuz they aiiight…lol), but also because you are a true South Florida HipHop Historian… (Honestly Folks…this dude owns almost every project that has come out of our local scene). How young were you when you started waking up to Local HipHop, and where did you find it?

 Orion: I took notice to the local Hiphop scene in 1995 (age:13) searching
the airwaves for underground radio stations cuz I was a jit back then
plus internet did not exist for me yet.  I use to have 2 to 3 radios
in my room  had a science to it b/c they picked up stations
differently.  Anyways I like most people recorded mad fucking tapes I
wasn’t necessarily looking for local stuff though I was just trying to
get that shit regular radio wasn’t playing that Bomm Bap shit.
Growing up in Miami you know how hard it is to come across that.
After two years of doing that and being able to name all the rap songs
there were always the ones I had no idea who it was those were
typically local acts which required me to research more.  So I had
tracks recorded from DFB, Hell razhas, Hoodstock, Science Room, Mother
superia, Mic Rippa, Blackface, etc.  Some of those tapes I still have
in fact there is a joint  I posted on youtube that I recorded from
91.7 fm  in 1997 to this day no one can tell me who it is but I know
they from down here. Since 1999 I’ve been digging for all types of
vynl, tapes, and cdees mostly for sampling, and to feed my hoarding
habit for music.  Whenever I’m digging if I find something Local I get
it unless I already know its wack lol.  I guess because I’m from Miami
and I make music I have a bigger appreciation for it.  I know first
hand how hard it is for real emcees down here.

8CH: As a head who grew up influenced by the Pioneers and Golden Era Vets….who from out of the “New School” is doing it for you now-a-days?

Orion: In no particular order Right now I’m feelin Epidemic, Shottie,
Thousand, Joey Bad Ass, Freddie Gibbs, NFA Dade, Spit Gems, Starvin B,
Midaz the Beast, and alot of other stuff mang theres alot to name.

8CH: I first met you at an MC Battle at the legendary Slack Lounge (Shouts to OMNICIENT OM and the Family), where you served my ass thoroughly as a young unknown MC back in early 2G’s.
Then one day I saw you on the cover of URBAN AMERICA (Peace & Props to Brother Tony Mohammed). Since then you have performed Solo, with your crew SMOKE N MIRA’s, and with your old band ELASTIC BOND. Needless to say, you have paid your dues and experienced what it is to be an established MC in Miami.

 What do you think of the new wave of Local Acts who are performing regularly in So.Flo. now a days, and what advise would you pass down t them as someone who’s lived through it??

Orion: Good question here are my 7 principles for any artist on the come up
-Practice and rehearse your music rapping/singning over your lead vocals is weak
-Develop a routine on stage think outside the box
-Learn how to hold a mic don’t always blame it on the sound guy
-Always build a re pore with your audience don’t ever blame anything on them
-Have your product but your image is key stay sharp
-Take yourself serious don’t get too drunk don’t get to high and be a
man of your word
-Use the internet as your main stage and get out Miami!

8CH: Dutches or Philly’s??

Orion: Mini Dutches better on the pockets nahmean

8CH:Whats in the Treasure Chest you always carrying around??

Orion: October 20th at EVE I may finally reveal it to the world

8CH : *Whats next on the ORION aka BRASS BALLS Agenda??

Orion :Currently got a video in the works for this crazy track I did with
Mecca aka Grimo and Tawk Love called Where is Utopia hopefully that
will be up before mid November.  Hunting Season will be out on
December 2012, and I got another album in the works hopefully I can
drop it in March 2013.  Gettin that gwap

*8CH: Any Last words for the readers before I take my revenge on you for slaughtering me in the battle that night?

Orion: Yes thank you to everyone out there for supporting me.  Brass Balls
Freshly Brewed since 82 and I’ma keep verbally splitting wack rappers
like 8ch in the name of Hiphop.


Thanks to Orion for his time and make sure you check him performing live at MIC CONTROL AT CLUB EVE!!



-JoJos Block


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